TopSubLabel=Some files that needed to be updated are currently in use.
MoreInfoLabel=The following applications are using files that need to be updated by this setup. Close these applications and then click Retry to continue the installation or Cancel to exit it.
TopSubLabel=Some files that needed to be removed are currently in use.
MoreInfoLabel=The following applications are using files that need to be removed by this setup. Close these applications and then click Retry to continue uninstalling or Cancel to exit it.
TopSubLabel=O parte din fişierele ce urmează sa fie instalate sunt deschise.
MoreInfoLabel= Următoarele aplicaţii folosesc fişiere ce necesită să fie rescrise de acest Setup. Închideţi aceste aplicaţii şi apăsaţi <Ok> pentru a continua sau <Anulează> pentru a anula instalarea.
;*** Buttons ***
;******************* Deutsch
; *** Labels ***
TopBoldLabel=Geöffnete Dateien
TopSubLabel=Ein oder mehrere Dateien, die aktualisiert werden müssen, werden derzeit verwendet.
MoreInfoLabel=Die folgenden Programme greifen auf Dateien zu, die aktualisiert werden müssen. Bitte schließen Sie diese Programme und drücken Sie 'Wiederholen' um mit der Installation fortzufahren.